Breathwave is a part of Breathway Society (India), a charitable institution founded by Master Raj in the year 2010. Breathwave began its journey in Singapore as a centre for meditation. Now Breathwave has expanded its frontier and wishes to extend its social services to Malaysia, Australia (Melbourne), USA and India (Banglore, Delhi, chennai). At Breathwave centres, you can experience the amazing benefits of meditation and  yoga classes, Sloka chanting, Agnihotra and many more. Our programs help a person to feel rejuvenated, enlivened and relaxed in mind and body. Further more you can gain a greater awareness of your true nature, actually experiencing inner peace and   satisfaction.

 Sri Maha Avatar Babaji and Sri Shiridi Sai Both were a personification of spiritual perfection and are an epitom of compassion. Both are trying to take the "created to the creator". They are helping people see the world through a new lens of knowledge and trying to bring an immence change in their mindset. Personal transformation is their mission to the world. They are parents of Breathwave.            

Universal Prayer

Universal Prayer