book reading session 15 02 2015

    Master's Message from his own experience

  • 1. On Guru Karya

    When you perform Guru's work without any expectation you can experience the immense compassion of the Guru. When Babaji says, just follow me and I will do everything for you, we need to do it without question. We might feel how do I eliminate the "I", the ego. The shortcut is being in Guru's presence by doing his work. All will come naturally when you are in the presence. All the inner tools will get sharpened. The I will dissolve and perish. The I might come from time to time in the physical world, but you should know how to manage it. You just need to know your purpose, your work, focus on your responsibility. Work is worship, work is God.
  • 2. On physical body of Guru

    Some of us are attached to the physical body of the guru. The body has an expiry date. The picture is only for the physical world. Our Sadgurus are alive with us thorough their teachings and through their work. We don't understand the value of the body, for that matter we don't understand the value of relationships, situations and people also. We cannot do anything without the body. We cannot eliminate our layers also without the body. It is very difficult to get a true guru. And when we do find a living guru, we have a long way to go, not just in the physical realms, but after the physical body, there is a long journey in the non physical realms too. Today we are working on removing the unpleasant experiences. Later we need to remove all experiences, until the word experience is also eliminated. The we will be free to move out of the body and experience the universe.
  • 3. Masters experiments on the body.

    The body keeps working whether you take care of it or not. It is an amazing system. If you feed it, it absorbs that energy, if you don't it takes it from elsewhere. Sleep is also very important. Masters will give guidelines, but we have to take care of the body. We have to follow the needs of the body. The body tells us its likes and dislikes. But we have to listen to it. Do not compare the energy with the body. For example, if a car has to run well it has to be perfect. The driver has no bearing on it. The driver cannot do anything to it. Similarly for the body, it has to be taken care of perfectly. Everybody can be a medium. But for that you need to take care of the body. Feed the body, not the mind. Deep sleep is important, any disturbance will impact it. Do not disturb anybody's sleep also. Minimise all distractions when you sleep.
  • 4. On Guru Dakshina

    We only know to take, and not to give. Masters will tell us when and what to give. We have to clear all the debts in our lower belief systems. Through seva, money, love, clothes, food, or anything the debts need to be paid. Masters guru dakshina is taking care of all of us. The HE give us all that we want and need. They wait to see if we recognise our duties and responsibilities. They wait to see if we are following our purpose. 75% of our time we need to fulfil our grihasthashrama duties, 25% time for our spiritual growth. This is the minimum that we need to do.
  • 5. On thought pollution

    The biggest issue in the world is thought pollution. If we cannot control thoughts we cannot help ourselves or others. When we understand our responsibility, no other thought will come. We are releasing hundreds of thoughts all the time. They will not be with us, they are released into the clear air. That's why we have to be in thoughtless state. Let us stop judging our family first. Our houses are full of thoughts. If house is in harmony, there will only be one thought, love, peace and harmony. If we know where the thoughts come from then we can be free.
  • 6. Childhood traumas

    Even as adults we carry our childhood fears and traumas. We then induce it into our children. Children are like play dough. Parents shape up the future of children. Right from childhood we suppress our children. They have no say. We supress their freedom of speech. So they supress all their fears. We don't have patience to listen to them. So they learn various techniques to kill and manage their fears. This is a Survival instinct that is developed to cope. Even to face the inner critic, the conscience, the child will device strategies and roles to suppress the voice of the inner critic. When a child tells the truth and the parent does not trust, the child then learns to lie. By telling a lie, the child momentarily escapes the wrath of the parents and gains solace.
    If the child is abused he or she will be in a very vulnerable position. The shame, guilt, stock, deprivation and abandonment leads to various compensations and addictions. Compensation is a mask. Pretending, telling lies, procrastination, silence, withdrawal, crying, head banging, cutting themselves, breaking things, all these are signs of compensation. Compensation makes them look better in front of their inner conscience. These will help them mask their wounds and fears. All addictions like drugs, alcohol, homicidal tendencies etc provide temporary relief.
    Children should know that they can rely on us. They should know what they are doing. If we cannot listen to the small things they tell us, then they will never tell us the big things when they grow up. As a parent, we need to have patience. Listen not for the sake of listening but truly listen to the child. For most of us, many of our issues originate from our childhood and past lives. Do not do this to your children.
    Our mission is our children's future. We have to let them speak. We need to have a lot of patience. Do not mock one another, or mock children. We have to listen to children's feelings and not mock them.
  • 7. Two assignments for the week.

    A. Conserving electricity: most of the time we are dependant on gadgets. This week try to conserve as much power as possible. Try to spend the day without electricity. Less usage of power and less usage of gadgets. Use technology sparingly. See how much you are attached to them. B. Maintaining silence.